solar water purifier

solar water purifier by vandenbussche gregoire from france

designer's own words:

This water purifier is very simple ;

- Solar power warm black part, where you put dirty water.
- Black part warm dirty water and create vapor.
- Solar UV ray neutralize some bacterias.
- Dirt and other stuff stay in this part.
- Vapor condens on coldest glass part.
- Drips are created , and slip on conic surface, then fall inside center black tube.
- Concentration of drip in white base part make clear amount of water that can be used
for cooking, washing etc...
- Every parts are just piled up.
- Conic form avoid sliping when carried.
- It can be made in every scales, smalest for home to bigest for country without drinking water.

solar water purifier

copy_0_w2big.jpg how it work

copy_0_w3big.jpg technique