STARDUST TOWER by Cat Menard from usa

designer's own words:

Embodies a universal understanding that will unite people in their time of grief and encourage positive contemplation. Although the body dies, the spirit lives on in the hearts of loved ones, and as part of the infinite force of the eternal beyond.

Whether as candle alters in medieval cathedrals or ancient ceremonial lanterns, light is an integral part of remembrance and has represented spirituality, unity, purity, and love throughout the ages.

The process of cremation has many positive environmental, space, and symbolic outcomes. The way that these remains are memorialized, however, leaves more to be desired. The process of creating the orb is one that incorporates the loved ones’ ashes in with solutions and resin to create unique patterning to each remembrance piece. This individual light source then becomes a part of the intricate network of the whole system. This system although seemingly chaotic, is a simply programmed LEDs that are digitally organized and respond to interactive data that can link dates of ‘departure’ and ‘arrivals’ and form beautiful, colorful connectivity.

The structure comes alive with both the intricate network of orbs being powered by the sun, as well as contributing to the growth of the exterior facade of living plants, climbing to complete the design over time. The structure acts passively as a porous framework to guide the focus to the deceased. Many people would rather be part of a living system than be left static, so this allows for that choice as well. The swirling walkways within the structure are mirrored by continual planters circling the facade. This is an intuitive watering system as well that allows water to matriculate down the spiral.

Traditionally cemetery visits are during the daytime, and are closed at night with an eerie and foreboding association filled with fear. This structure begins to show its true beauty at dusk where the stars become their brightest and merge perfectly with the night sky. The tower will celebrate lives and encourage the living to access their own inner light and peace.

The Memory Museum is a permanent collection investigating the historic approaches to death practice and memorialization. The centralized gallery is a rotating exhibition space where the city’s artists can exhibit works that address the topics surrounding death and bereavement.

Stardust Tower is a modest skyscraper that can be easily integrated in any city’s downtown. This is a structure that instead of consuming hundreds of acres of land, and keeps only 240,000 deceased (in the case of Forest Lawn in Burbank, Ca) this structure would consume less than a city block and keep exponentially more individuals, at the modest height, and infinitely more if taller. There are many revenue-generating opportunities within this proposal. The first is process of the cremation, but the added layer of process in creating the orb and further customization may contribute. The orbs are organized on an irregular grid where families may choose to buy sections to be able to keep their family in a starry cluster. The celebrations and ceremonies on the top floor may lead to great partnerships with restaurants and institutions. The museum and gallery spaces can be a great source of connectivity for public events with city leaders as well as pull in constant revenue from tourists and visitors.

I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in the darkness, the astonishing light of your own being. _the poet Hafiz
This individual light source then becomes a part of the intricate network of the whole system. This system although seemingly chaotic, is a simply programmed LEDs that are digitally organized and respond to interactive data that can link dates of ‘departure’ and ‘arrivals’ and form beautiful, colorful connectivity.
Whether as candle alters in medieval cathedrals or ancient ceremonial lanterns, light is an integral part of remembrance and has represented spirituality, unity, purity, and love throughout the ages.
The Memory Museum is a permanent collection investigating the historic approaches to death practice and memorialization. The centralized gallery is a rotating exhibition space where the city’s artists can exhibit works that address the topics surrounding death and bereavement. In the opposing half of the outer ring, numerous services are available. Some may include information about the site and other locations, about the process, personalization options, and how to make arrangements.
In the ultimate stillness Light penetrates the whole realm; In the still illumination, There pervades pure emptiness. When I look back on the Phenomenal world, Everything is just Like a dream. _the poet Hanshan