
tactum by lara mikocki from australia

designer's own words:

Tactum is an interactive energy harvesting facade for engaging sustainable city-living for all walks of life.

1. Tactum was inspired by a child running their hand along a fence on their way home from school, which is only one of the movements tactum invites, pulling stretching squeezing and all playful or natural interactions generate energy for surrounding city-lighting.

2.Tactum is most applicable to public spaces, such as dense city areas, train stations or airports, where waiting is even collected for use as you lean against the facade, anticipating the train's arrival.

3. Self-sanitising reclaimed silicone make-up the anatomy of Tactum, and series of nanogenerators and converters its nucleus. Tactum is also accompanied by a meter display to monitor usage and generation of electricity, with easy to understand conversions for a rewarding sense of participation in the well-being of our environment.

An interactive energy harvesting facade inviting interaction, play or even just rest to generate energy in the city context.

copy_0_image_2_tactum.jpg Tactum engages and invites with pulling, stretching squeezing all generating energy. A self-sanitising silicone membrane encases nano-generators and converters.

copy_0_image_3_tactum.jpg Tactum fosters public awareness and participation through an accompanying meter display with easy to understand conversions.