tear wear

tear wear by ajay tiple from india

designer's own words:

Tear – wear:

The actual use of shopping bags (provided to carry, by the shop) is very few hours, then they are thrown or are used as bags for household items. The printing and other costs do not seem to justify the environmental aspect v/s usage time of the bag.

A new design “Tear –wear” allows the shopping bag to be used as a wearable after its primary function has been over. It then becomes a showoff item, a fashion wear for various people. The bag converts into a nice graphically attractive wearable. The bag is made of fabric (for flexibility and strength) and card paper (to give shape and strength at base of the bag). The instructions on the bag say where to tear to convert it into a nice fashion wear. The card paper at the base can be removed before wearing.

The users of this bag are:
The housewife, who spends most of her time in house doing routine things. She can now fill in some fun and fashion moments. This adds spice to her life by providing her a wearable, which would come in so many designs, colors and graphics. It can be used any number of times and can be thrown away if it gets dirty.
Kids and teenagers can use it as a apron while they exercise painting e.t.c. .
Other uses: In parties (rave) people just freak out with the clothes they wear. These people would wear something funky as this. Beach wear top. Or, poor people who don’t get a piece of cloth to wear. This can become their piece of cloth.

bag, converting into a wearable

copy_0_tear_wear1.jpg primary use of bag

copy_0_tear_wear3.jpg secondary use as a fashion wear