the birdhouse

the birdhouse by alexey chugunnikov from russia

designer's own words:

“The Birdhouse”
Birdhouse is the component of the whole and inherent part of the environment around it. It doesn’t have any own back wall and a house wall or tree body can serve birdhouse as a “back”, which makes birdhouse a part of what it was put on, a part of the whole world around it, merging into it.
The environmentally friendly materials were used to create a birdhouse (reworking materials can be used as well: plastic material and rubber). Ceramic dome organizes the basic space of a birdhouse. The soft corrugated material allows birdhouse to be placed on the curved surfaces. The holes in the rim and the adhesive layer on its reverse side are the universal anchorages. They can help to install the birdhouse by using a rope, nails or by glueing in to the window glass.