the * packaging

the * packaging by telma llacer from spain

designer's own words:

Why not present a bottle of wine, or licour in a funny and different bag? And...if you can gift 2 things in one??

When someone invite you to his house for a dinner or friends make a party, people use to bring a bottle of nice wine, beer or licour, you can have a different packaging to it!!!.
the * packaging is a funny way to give a present or little gift to your friend, relative, familiar person or just as a wine bottle bag. Iit´s different than current bags for bottles, funny, reciclable, reusable, ecologyc.,
cheap, and give more protection to your glass bottle when you move it.
You can customize it, it is easy to assembly, fit and use, just you can use as a bag or give it as a present, because you can give it a second use....AS A WINE RACK !!!

the * packaging is made with corrugated cardboard, 100% recicle material and ecological. It easy and cheap to do. You can print it or just leave it without print to be customized by its owner. Its shape give more protection to the bottle if it is falling down, it is light and how you flod it, it doesn´t take up too much space.

It is composed for 2 parts, all in corrugated cardboard:
main structure
fittings = cartoon rings

And if you want to surprise with your packaging.......give it other use, USE IT AS WINE RACK!!! Just you have to fix on the wall or just on the floor next to a wall, for security.

Assembly and movement

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