«The Wave of Freedom»

«The Wave of Freedom» by artem solomenin from russia

designer's own words:

Project «The Wave of Freedom»

Consciously or unconsciously peoply try to compensate negative sensation, caused by deficiency of connections with nature and sense of inward and outward reticence. "The Wave of Freedom" - makes it possible to feel the connection with the outer world, to understand, see and hear the world around us...
The architectural structure "The Wave of Freedom" is made on basis of eco-cement, all the surface is civered with glass-fibre plastic. At night-time all surface is illuminated on the inside with different colourful types. 50 metres at length and 50 metres at height create the unique structure not only for rest. This is the place, where the man becomes the part of the world. "The Wave of Freedom" contains about 80 people.
Also the construction has the system of built-in audio loudspeaker. From time to time you can hear the sound of wave, the visitors have the opportunity to have a rest with weakening sound of the ocean. "The Wave of Freedom" creates the single cultural environment, harmony between architectural and natural environment.

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