The worn out archetype

The worn out archetype by troels rask pedersen from denmark

designer's own words:

a school project, where i decided to design a door handle to a specific 1930's funkis building located in aalborg, denmark.
after analyzing the building i used the contrast of the strict, rational and modernistic shape combined with a soft organic element, as the main parameter in the design process.
i tried to limit the "design" to as little as absolutely possible, while still making a characteristic, functional object for everyday use.
the door handle is designed by physical modelling in foam and wood, making sure that the soft curve got the perfect shape and feel to it. finally i made a sand casted bronze prototype, which i then again worked on untill it was done.
the manual design process fits well together with the story of a archetypical rectangular door handle worn out after several generations of daily usage.

3D rendering. Door handle in high gloss stainless steel.

copy_2444_2.jpg 3D rendering. Door handle in aluminium, matte steel and high gloss stainless steel.

copy_2077_3.jpg 3D rendering. The soft curve emediately draws the atention, and makes You want to touch it!

copy_189_4.jpg 3D rendering. It also ensures the user a safe grib.

copy_120_5.jpg Sand casted bronze prototype.

6_.jpg Sand casted bronze prototype. Fits the hand and the thumb perfectly!