Tino by eleonora barbareschi from italy
designer's own words:
Tino: Inspired from standing Aperitivo’s, when there is no room to sit, when both hands are busy, and often eating and drinking becomes a challenge.
Tino is a mono-use plate designed to fit bottle necks. With Tino plate, drinks and food can comfortably stay together in one hand, leaving the other hand free for additional food picking, smoking, gesturing and more.
Its looks remind of the classical plastic mono-use plates. Its innovation simply stands in a hole, right at the center of the plate, that allows it to fit onto bottle necks. The plate’s hole is designed to adapt to different bottle neck diameters, in order to fit an infinite variety of bottles.
Tino is functional and practical. When eating, Tino firmly stays on the bottle. When drinking, it can be simply slided out. Without its bottle, Tino can sit on the table just like a normal plate!
Enjoy your Aperitivo and slide on your Tino plate!
Tino, slide it on.
Tino, use.
Tino, context.