transfigurative lamp

transfigurative lamp by jadwiga husarska-chmielarz from poland

designer's own words:

The lamp is built of three hexagonal light elements covered with stretched lycra fabric.
Each of the elements has its own rotation axis which enables the stretching of lycra cover thus creating variety of shadows and lighting surfaces. The lamp invites to be played with.
The source of light consists of the number of white, 12V LEDs - energy saving, safe and emitting minimum of heat. The lamp is a visually attractive object even being turned off.
It is a gentle companion for everyday life bringing the field of mystery over its transformable shape.
Transfigurative lamp is not a typical LED lighting indoor it can be either a standing lamp, table lamp, hanging lamp, chandelier caused by changeable construction.

transfigurative lamp

brightled2.jpg the lamp invites to be played with

brightled3.jpg the lamp turned off