truth mirror: a display of emotion

truth mirror: a display of emotion by uriah gray from australia

designer's own words:

The Korean people are famously stoic. They go about their daily lives without fuss. This makes for an economically powerful and productive nation. But it also means that people have trouble communicating their real feelings. Koreans even have a name for psychosomatic problems emanating from suppressed emotion: Hwa Byung. But what if each person could express in a fun way how they are really feeling without having to say a word? Using the new technology, Augmented Reality (AR), we can create a fun performance within the city. A video wall becomes a giant, digital "truth mirror" in which everyone shares their feelings of the day. This is done through playful and colourful 3D graphics that float above the head of each participant. All anyone has to do is pick an emotion. Are they happy, sad, angry, confused? They can choose a matching armband and put it on and continue their journey through the city. Cameras atop the video wall pick up the AR code on the armband and match it to the participant's video 'reflection' above which will float a uniquely assigned graphic as they walk along. People can gather near the video wall to see and share their feelings. Participants can then walk away with their emotion armband as a souvenir and can search for smaller "truth mirrors" throughout the city

concept video

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