vase and

vase and by iko dahan from israel

designer's own words:

The importance of the cooking Timer in the kitchen is unquestionable. The fate of a romantic dinner, a holiday feast, or just your regular supper rests frequently on the ring of a Cooking Timer. Despite its significance many times the cooking timer finds itself placed in some far away corner or shelf, until it is called upon to perform its duty once again.
The Vase on the other hand, is a decorative object, yet nonfunctional to the kitchen user. Nevertheless, the Vase is strategically placed in many kitchens.
The “Vase-And” is a ceramic Vase that integrates a cooking timer. An object that upgrades the status of the Timer and the Vase as well, so they can take there proper place in the kitchen. Moreover, it actualizes “1+1=3” in a distinct and refreshing manner.
“Vase-and” is best for a small bouquet picked in the park, on a countryside trip or maybe from the next-door neighbor.


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