VELA LUCIDA by rininta isdyani from indonesia

designer's own words:

Today, body adornment has wider meanings and possibilities of shape and function. There are many ways to express style and to design functional objects. Interactivity now is a pleasure in how we use a product, but sometimes it consumes too much energy.
It would be interesting to see another possibilities of ‘how light can interact with our body’. Red, green and blue color are chosen because they are the real color of light spectrum, instead the color of light that we see. this product will show you these other faces of the light.


Everyday shadows fall on different position, it moves continuously as the sun passes from east to west. In the morning it falls in a westerly direction and are quite long, in the midday it is short, and will close beneath the object, and in the afternoon it falls in an easterly direction, and are longer again.
When the sun moves, at the same time the light falls on different parts of this product, produces different dimension of light refraction on the surface of the body. The shape of this product can be achieved through vacuum forming technic on a thin and light transparent plastic.

Different results appears depending on intensity of the light and our body position will make this object reacts variously attractive.

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color scheme and description
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