Vivi-Circularly polarized contact lenses

Vivi-Circularly polarized contact lenses by XIAOXIAO PU from usa

designer's own words:

Vivi is a 3D contact lenses used Circularly polarized 3D image system. We created this product because we found it is uncomfortable to wearing 2 pairs of glasses as a short-sighted people when they watching 3d movie. Therefore, we’d like bring this product to the people has same issues and also, the Lexus users. Imaging a more vivid world to human beings. Imaging everything become 3D from 2D screen.

Vivi has 3 parts: a electronic circuit, which help image and light; a central portion, which is polarizing filters for viewing three-dimensional imagery; and an outer filter surrounding the central portion to make up the composite body of the contact lens.

There are currently two forms of passive 3D technology being used in today’s 3D glasses. Linearly polarized glasses and circularly polarized glasses. We use circularly polarized glasses process images which are superimposed on to the screen using circular polarizing filters. Because the filters are circularly polarized, the viewer can tilt their head either way.

Vivi-Circularly polarized contact lenses
Vivi-Circularly polarized contact lenses
Vivi-Circularly polarized contact lenses
Vivi-Circularly polarized contact lenses
Vivi-Circularly polarized contact lenses