Winged by maria merchant from usa

designer's own words:

i made different hand impressions on plasticine when i stared to assess new and more comfortable grips. once the different explorations were made, i began refining the different forms. few of them started resembling existing forms whole the others were abstract. amongst them, the bird-form en captured the best-possible grips i felt. the grip was tested on 5-10 people from different age-groups and recorded their feedback. thereafter, i further refined the form and finalized the dimensions.

such a form is a delightful change from conventional abstract ones. the design is a step further from the intricate/ornate forms of medieval or baroque architecture yet elegant and non-bulky. the ergonomic advantage being, one can more comfortably insert the thumb into the circular cavity, unlike existing handle's grip designs requiring one to curve ones thumb outwards,which takes an additional effort especially for elderly users with symptoms of arthritis and parkinson.

lastly, i beleive contemporary architecture is all about elegant-playfulness. the winged handle provides this in its swing-the-wing experience.

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