world of green life

world of green life by eranga kasthuriarachchi from sri lanka

designer's own words:

I would like to open up a topic for discussion - Completing The Circle. In my travels, I am talking with many more people who are recycling paper and plastic. This is a hugely positive step.

A next step in living the green life can be to complete the circle. By this I mean, using products made out of recycled paper and recycled plastic. People are focusing on the recycling part - the out - and the next area of opportunity is to focus on the in. What are the products coming into our lives made of? If the answer is recycled paper and recycled plastic with a high percentage of post-consumer content (actually recycled by consumers first), then we have completed the circle as nature would do! If they are made of virgin paper for example, well, then we are more like a one way street.

world of green life

nature_of_green_life.jpg nature of green life

flower_of_green_life.jpg flower of green life