wrapping for death n 01

wrapping for death n 01 by marco di noia from italy

designer's own words:

Remembering through the objects that matter,
through what was important for the person we loved, or what reminds us of her/him:
a pen, a letter, a pair of glasses, the t shirt we gave her a long time ago, the watch he used to wear, the book that she loved so much, the movie we watched together over and over;
and through the memories, the collective memories that we build during an entire life.

The base of the urn can be made of different materials,
different options for different characters: wood, marble, metal, stone.
Is where the ashes found their place, where we'll rest.
The top is made of glass, is where we collect the objects that remind us of the person we have lost.
A QR code on the base connects any electronic device to a personal page where we can find the memories of our beloved:
videos, pictures, sounds, voices, informations, eventually connected with social media in order to provide a history of the person.
The same page can be accessed online from any internet connected device, this let people experience the memory of their loss anytime, anywhere, in solitude or collectively, and in any form, from the silent contemplation to the loudest party.

The urn is modular, this made possible for different urns to connect each other: couples, families, teams, tribes, citizens, different configuration for different approaches.

The objects behind the glass and the Qr code provide the opportunity to share our story with everyone else, with the ones who will pass by our urn, telling them our story, our thoughts, the loss and the memory of who we were becomes collective and the cemetery,
instead of a mute series of stones, becomes a place where we can learn the history of our species.

the urnwrapping for death n 01varietywrapping for death n 01the objects that matterwrapping for death n 01moddingwrapping for death n 01interactive experiencewrapping for death n 01multiple configuration