you are what you eat

you are what you eat by marc walliser from usa

designer's own words:

healthy food will be a luxury in the future processed and potentially contaminated food will have a serious impact on our well being and health in 2015

good to know, that there will be an intelligent solution that instantly allows you to judge over the quality of our food ...

the concept behind ‘you are what you eat’ is a knife with an integrated intelligent membrane.

once the membrane gets in contact with the food you are about to eat, it changes its color according to the amount of hazardous ingredients

in many situations of our future lifestyle we will simply not know what we eat because we will not prepare the food ourselves and we cant judge quality only by its taste and look anymore -- the meals of the future will always look and taste “fantastic”

‘you are what you eat’ provides a quick and easy analysis of your meal without extra efforts or complicated measurements to make sure ‘you know what you eat’

you are what you eat / the problem

copy_1_02_600x600.jpg you are what you eat / the concept

copy_1_03_600x600.jpg you are what you eat / the solution