
youlogy by Jarryd Csuti from canada

designer's own words:

Design in the post-modern world will encapsulate mortality through a globalized digital community. This community will utilize the technology of the 21st century to change the way we remember our loved ones and possibly alter our entire perspective on death. It will view death in a more positive light and create a universal support system for people to rely on. This new community won’t concentrate as much on death itself, as it will on the celebration of life and the best way to encapsulate the life experience as a whole.

Youlogy is this community. It is a website devoted to this support structure. A social networking medium, where people may gather to mourn, share stories, reminisce and celebrate the lives of loved ones. This is the websites primary function, however it also functions as a vehicle for the betterment of humanity. The home page features news articles on important issues relating to death, health, humanity, philosophy and spirituality, allowing people to become more informed and feel less isolated and possibly scared when attempting to convey their feelings towards these issues. It will accomplish this by not concentrating on the negative side of death, but instead focus on more fundamental matters of what our lives are about and how to live them to the fullest.

Youlogy has many features; people may make a profile page for a deceased loved one, where they can share photos, stories, videos, quotes and prayers with family members and friends. This allows people from all over the world to connect with one another and by sharing all of these amazing highlights of a loved ones life, we hope to create a strong sense of comfort and sincerity in our product. This comfort also stems from the fact that the loved one will not be forgotten. There is a stable and beautiful medium for family members and friends to always come back to and remember. This medium does not care what religion you are, how many people you knew or how you spent your life here on earth, but it does care about your legacy, the good times that were had, challenges overcame and the life experiences shared with other people.

Youlogy also gives people the opportunity to give back. People may donate money in honor of a loved one to a specific charity. This goes to show the impact our loved ones still have after they pass away and becomes a way to help others in their pursuit of a fulfilling life. Our donation page also features specific charities linked to recent events and tragedies going on around the world

The idea of Youlogy arose from two recent funerals I attended; the death of my Grandma and Grandpa. During these funerals, there were many prayers, condolences and thoughts recited, however the most touching moments were when my family members began reminiscing on past experience; all of which related to how truly amazing my grandparents really were. I remember listening to these stories and simply wishing there was a way to package them up and hold onto them forever. This is where Youlogy was born and I hope that it can one day package as many of these memories as possible for the people of our hold close to their hearts.

This is simply a mock-up of the website. The real thing will need a lot more funds and resources to come to fruition. I feel the information here supplies the building blocks to the future of the deathcare industry. A social media platform with heart.

About me: My name is Jarryd Csuti. I am a recent Design graduate from the University of Alberta. My studies mainly focused on industrial design, social design and branding, with a minor focus in graphic design and sustainability.

Contact: [email protected]

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