
yourbank by Thomas Blachut from germany

designer's own words:

We live in a world where it is hard to keep track of our finances. Of course our bank shows us our financial movements, but it is not easy to keep track at one look.

An app which shows an overview of our finances could help fixing the problem. In this app we can categorize our expenses by different fields in fixed costs, like the rent of your flat and your phone bill and variable expenses, like food and leisure.

Not only would we experience a way better sight over our income and expanses, it also would help us to save money. Knowing there is almost no credit on your account, you cutback your expenses. If you still have money left you can transfer your money to your saving account. To be more motivated to earn savings, a main part of the concept is setting personal goals. These goals can be a vacation or a new car. Money saved at the end of the month can be directly transferred for these goals. Via the app you are able to see your progress and how much earnings you still need.

Banking via yourbank is the banking of the future.

the problem
the solution
the goal
the app
the benefit