‘craigieburn train maintenance facility’ by hbo+emtb, melbourne, australia all images © dianna snape

australian architects hbo+emtb have completed the ‘craigieburn train maintenance facility’ located on the northern outskirts of melbourne, australia. the project scope included the development of track work, signaling, lighting, maintenance roads, train roof access, overhead cranes, landscaping and staff accommodation. the facility takes on distinctly different perspectives as the user interacts around its perimeter and references the rolling hills of mount ridley in the distance. the building features an organic design sweeping towards the earth that is complimentary to the site’s natural form that pays attention to the need for a lifting apparatus, sustainability, state-of-the-art railway control systems and complex structures capable of balancing the work environment and functionality.

hbo+emtb: craigieburn train maintenance facility entrance image © dianna snape

hbo+emtb: craigieburn train maintenance facility side view image © dianna snape

hbo+emtb: craigieburn train maintenance facility side view image © dianna snape

hbo+emtb: craigieburn train maintenance facility internal image © dianna snape

hbo+emtb: craigieburn train maintenance facility train entry image © dianna snape

hbo+emtb: craigieburn train maintenance facility front image © dianna snape

hbo+emtb: craigieburn train maintenance facility floor plan

hbo+emtb: craigieburn train maintenance facility section

hbo+emtb: craigieburn train maintenance facility section

hbo+emtb: craigieburn train maintenance facility elevation

hbo+emtb: craigieburn train maintenance facility elevation

designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here