sea and wind are intimately associated, essentially in the yachting spectrum. a ship has to deal with these elements and it can be the plaything of their power, but also can take benefit from their energy. ancient civilizations were smart enough to achieve this balance. through his design, mathis ruhl encourages naval design to be smart again and imagine how to improve the efficiency of a sailing ship with today’s technology.

mathis ruhl designs a self-sufficient vessel that runs on wind power
‘wind motion 70t’ model designed by architect mathis ruhl



french architect mathis ruhl‘s latest naval project is about efficiency and self-sufficiency. it investigates the optimal shapes for the hull and for the rig to suit a 70-meter autonomous yacht program.

mathis ruhl designs a self-sufficient vessel that runs on wind power
sea and wind are primary factors to consider in naval architecture

mathis ruhl designs a self-sufficient vessel that runs on wind power
mathis ruhl’s latest naval project is about efficiency and self-sufficiency

mathis ruhl designs a self-sufficient vessel that runs on wind power
it investigates the optimal shapes for the hull and for the rig to fit the program

mathis ruhl designs a self-sufficient vessel that runs on wind power
rig criteria diagram

mathis ruhl designs a self-sufficient vessel that runs on wind power
wing types diagram

mathis ruhl designs a self-sufficient vessel that runs on wind power
wing efficiency diagram

mathis ruhl designs a self-sufficient vessel that runs on wind power
configuration diagram



designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: apostolos costarangos | designboom