‘moments hovered’ by patrick mifsud and alida rosie sayer

during a four day residency at bermondsey project space in london, artists patrick mifsud and alida rosie sayer employed a variety of basic materials including pallet wrapping film, tape and string, along with a couple of small digital projectors and an OHP, in order to investigate ways of spontaneously integrating site responsive immersive installation with text based animations. in the first of the resulting works, ‘moments hovered’, an excerpt from john steinbeck’s ‘of mice and men’ slowly drifts from two facing projectors across a dynamic central installation of film and string. the resulting visual impression, almost holographic in appearance, is a multi-dimensional deconstruction of the animations into many planes of interweaving translucent typographic forms.

other unusual effects also arise as the projections are refracted through the clear plastic, which fills the space with gently pulsating hues of purple and green. a second work, ‘sound stopped’, traps steinbeck’s words within a wave-like installation of white tape. using a static image projected through red acetate, it feels more like a momentarily stilled process in motion.

patrick mifsud + alida rosie sayer: moments hovered moments hovered – installation shot

patrick mifsud + alida rosie sayer: moments hovered moments hovered – installation shot

patrick mifsud + alida rosie sayer: moments hovered moments hovered – installation shot

patrick mifsud + alida rosie sayer: moments hovered moments hovered – installation shot

patrick mifsud + alida rosie sayer: moments hovered moments hovered – installation shot

patrick mifsud + alida rosie sayer: moments hovered
moments hovered – installation shot

patrick mifsud + alida rosie sayer: moments hovered moments hovered – installation shot

patrick mifsud + alida rosie sayer: moments hovered installation without projection – pallet wrapping film & cotton yarn

patrick mifsud + alida rosie sayer: moments hovered sound stopped – installation shot

patrick mifsud + alida rosie sayer: moments hovered sound stopped – installation shot

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