May 24, 2020maison W, or 'the pleated house' mimics the undulating geological folds of its alpine context architecture 0 shares
Jan 09, 2020christophe benichou's sliding shelter appears to descend towards an icy lake architecture 0 shares
Nov 27, 2019christophe benichou designs 'verdon balconies' to be suspended above a french canyon architecture 0 shares
Aug 26, 2019christophe benichou proposes sesame, a solitary monolith in the desert architecture +1K shares
Aug 25, 2019christophe benichou envisions a countryside house wrapped in a wall of logs architecture 0 shares
Oct 29, 2017lumishell, the prefab peanut-shaped dwelling, provides living space in harsh environments architecture 0 shares
Feb 27, 2017precarious 'tip-box' pavilion offers vertigo-inducing views of the montpellier mountains design 0 shares