May 13, 2019'makers cabinet' updates 18th century drawing compass using camera aperture mechanism design 0 shares
Feb 23, 2019artist conveys his admiration for LA through colorful illustrations of the city's architectural treasures art 0 shares
Feb 07, 2019neon choreography: ofir shoham painstakingly transforms movies in after effects art 653 shares
Jan 21, 2019sketch artist creates incredibly detailed depictions of united kingdom’s 69 cities art 0 shares
Nov 17, 2018hundreds of japanese firework designs from the early-1900s have been digitized design 0 shares
Oct 17, 2018illustrator reimagines frida kahlo, van gogh, and andy warhol, as modern day hipsters art 0 shares
Jul 12, 2018the gucci décor 2018 collection captures a rich history of italian artisans design 833 shares
Apr 27, 2018AIDES' share the love campaign raises awareness on the importance of safe sex in the city art 0 shares readers
Mar 27, 2018prison-like illustrations of dictators' heads address lack of human rights art 0 shares readers
Mar 24, 2018these AR greeting cards are more meaningful (and affordable) than plain, old boring ones art 0 shares
Nov 14, 2017'thedotisblack' captures sound of the sun in coded audiovisual using NASA research art 0 shares readers
Oct 24, 2017jenni sparks illustrates the distinctive personality of place in her series of culture maps art 0 shares readers
Oct 16, 2017PeBe's latest series illustrates london's famous museums and architectural landmarks art 0 shares readers
Oct 14, 2017omar aqil renders picasso's abstract portraiture as creative 3-dimensional illustrations art +7.1K shares
Sep 16, 2017federico babina captures the style of famous artists in creative, architectural illustrations art 0 shares
Aug 05, 2017fausto montanari's illustrations depict the spanish art of sobremesa art 0 shares readers
Jun 22, 2017IKEA cooks up illustrated, interactive recipes that you can roll, bake, and eat design +1.9K shares
May 31, 2017zaha hadid google doodle pays homage to the pritzker's first female laureate architecture 0 shares
May 26, 2017federico babina bases animated portraits of famous artists on their signature style art 0 shares
May 19, 2017nick misani's illustrated typographic mosaics take you on a trip around the world art 0 shares
May 06, 2017mengxin li turns quirky illustrations into an animated 'electric zoo' party design 0 shares readers
Mar 15, 2017jonathan calugi illustrates one airbnb 2017 as one line, one love, one world art 0 shares readers
Mar 04, 2017planet labs’ satellite space cameras are individually illustrated by artists technology 0 shares