Dec 15, 2023bitcoin banknotes by tom badley transport cryptocurrency into the physical realm design 0 shares readers
May 17, 2022lucie davis takes bites out of spinning euro coins in latest NFT collection art 0 shares readers
Feb 11, 2022red hong yi opens 'memebank' to parody the continuous printing of money by central banks art 0 shares readers
Sep 03, 2021see money come to life in this mesmerizing animation of banknotes from over 23 countries art 265 shares readers
Jul 23, 2018arthur analts designs a honeycomb-shaped 5 euro coin to honor latvian sustainability design 0 shares readers
Apr 05, 2018rustom's vecchio conio — old money — motorbike is inspired by italian engineering technology 0 shares
Nov 09, 2016jelle mastenbroek's glassworks vending machine plays on monetary value design 0 shares readers
Sep 23, 2016scrip digital money adds a sleek, weighted capsule to digital currency technology 0 shares
Apr 21, 2016rolf bruggink's recycled currency furniture project questions the value of money design 0 shares
Feb 24, 2015barbara bernát proposes hungarian money redesign with illustrated wildlife design 0 shares