3D facial recognition airport security at sochi 2014 olympics

3D facial recognition airport security technology at sochi 2014




the broadway 3D facial recognition system – installed for airport access control – provides the highest security level available on the market. the system captures the geometry of a human face – one of the most precise biometrics that is impossible to fool or fake. developed by artec group, the security measure was selected to be installed in the sochi airport for the 2014 winter olympics. the system eliminates access of an unregistered person or unauthorized employee. in less than a second it captures surface information. having analyzed about 40 thousand points on a user’s face it builds a mathematical model and compares it to the database. it is capable of identifying a person while walking, wearing hats or sunglasses and can also decipher between identical twins.



3D face recognition from artec group



3D facial recognition airport security at sochi 2014 olympics

the broadway 3D facial recognition system