argodesign’s drone ambulance quickens emergency responses
images courtesy of fastcodesign and argodesign




the ‘drone ambulance’ concept from design firm argodesign for fastcodesign’s body week initiative, visualizes how emergency services can be made faster in our congested, urban environments. acting to reduce an estimated 1,000 ‘saveable’ lives that are lost due to slow accident response times, the one-person vehicle which is modeled after a standard quadcopter, would be driven by GPS, an aviator or a mixture of both. this idea would enable a single pilot to control a whole fleet remotely, and to take over the manual controls for difficult takeoffs and landings. the drone would be able to land almost anywhere at the scene, thanks to its footprint which is the size of a compact car, so that a patient could be loaded up and then flown back to hospital for further treatment.

its small footprint enables it to land anywhere in the emergency area


a remote pilot would control a whole fleet of drone ambulances


initially, the conceptual vehicle created was an autonomous car but soon developed into a quadcopter




via fastcodesign