researchers at MIT have developed a wearable device that enables blind and vision-impaired people to read any printed text without the use of braille. the fingerreader is a ring-like device that reads printed text out loud thanks to a mounted camera and open source software. simply strap its to your index finger, point to an object and any words or sentences detected are spoken in real time. 

the fingerreader helps blind people read without braille

images courtesy of fingerreader



the fingerreader is able to read multiple words and entire lines of texts. it also connects to a laptop or mobile phone, allowing users to take the device with them to read items such as restaurant menus, signs or any other text that is larger than 12-point font. the device also gives vibration-based feedback to users if they stray from the text’s baseline.

the fingerreader helps blind people read without braille



whilst it is just a prototype at the moment researchers hope to attract investors, and soon produce an affordable, marketable device for the public. with fingerreader, we aim to transform this proof of concept project into an affordable everyday product that will sustainably change how the visually impaired community can independently access information on the go‘, according to the fingerreader’s website

the fingerreader helps blind people read without braille

the fingerreader helps blind people read without braille

the fingerreader helps blind people read without braille