‘digit’ is a robot that can be programmed to be your new workout partner. designed by agility robotics, the original device was launched on the market in early 2020 after CES, but has been tested in commercial partnerships from 2019, such as for deliveries with ford motor company. the bot with two arms and two legs can walk, carry objects and climb stairs – and now it can join in with your squats. watch the full workout in the video at the top of the page. 

foldable agility robotics delivery bot squats in as your workout partner
digit was tested for ‘last-mile’ deliveries with ford motor company (read the full story here)
all images courtesy of agility robotics



like the namesake brand, digit has been designed for agility. it can walk, climb stairs and maneuver around obstacles all whilst carrying objects. its two arms can lift and support up to 18 kg (40 pounds). as such, it has previously found homes in warehouses and delivery vans, helping commercial customers with their transporting needs. from may 2019, the robot has been part of ford’s postage service.

foldable agility robotics delivery bot squats in as your workout partner
carrying up to 18 kg, the bot helps transport goods in warehouses and on deliveries



here, the bot was employed as a ‘last-mile’ solution for ford motor company. it was paired with their autonomous vehicle technology, where it folded up into the van before stretching out and delivering packages directly to the customers’ front doors. taking its manoeuvrability a step and a jump further, agility robotics digit is available — and capable — to become your workout partner. 



watch digit navigate stairs, obstacles, and a diverse variety of everyday terrains

foldable agility robotics delivery bot squats in as your workout partner
it can walk, climb and maneuver while carrying items

foldable agility robotics delivery bot squats in as your workout partner
it features two arms and two legs, like humans

foldable agility robotics delivery bot squats in as your workout partner
the legs have now been programmed to join in with your squat workouts



project info:


brand: agility robotics

product: digit