london-based japanese designer yuri suzuki is known for his interactive sound installations. his recent experimentation has looked at the act of buying CDs which has become increasingly more obsolete as downloading music files has gained popularity. suzuki wanted to bring value back to the compact disc so he explored the idea of producing a CD record hybrid, first through his series ‘physical value of sound’.


then, suzuki proposed the idea of the disc to DJ jeff mills for his new music project ‘the occurence’.the result is a disc with a vinyl press-on on one side and a CD mix on the other, merging analog and digital music formats into one. the disc has been produced by AXIS records and manufactured by german company optimal media production. mills’ digital-analog album is finally on the market in a limited edition.

jeff mills' collaboration with yuri suzuki: digital analog hybrid disc vinyl side of DJ jeff mills’ newest music project ‘the occurrence’

jeff mills' collaboration with yuri suzuki: digital analog hybrid disc the hybrid disc being played on a record player

jeff mills' collaboration with yuri suzuki: digital analog hybrid disc digital side of disc with CD mix

here’s a video of yuri suzuki’s sample digital-analog disc:

jeff mills' collaboration with yuri suzuki: digital analog hybrid disc album cover of DJ jeff mills’ ‘the occurrence’