following the release of its prototype in april last year, kitty hawk presents flyer, an ultralight aircraft designed to be easy to fly and flown for recreational purposes over water and uncongested areas. the vehicle maintains an altitude of 3 meters/10 feet and can reach a speed of 20 mph.

kitty hawk’s first personal aircraft makes flying part of everyday life
all images courtesy of kitty hawk


kitty hawk, a silicon valley start up backed by google co-founder larry page, has designed the flyer with all electric motors powered by lithium polymer batteries. the personal aircraft is made of highly durable composite material that is lightweight, aerodynamic, and waterproof. so far, it has only 20 minutes of flying time, yet the company aims to make the flyer a traveling alternative to cars and achieve ‘a world free from traffic’.


kitty hawk’s first personal aircraft makes flying part of everyday life