practical and affordable mr hoverboard powered by four leaf blowers
images courtesy of ryan craven




the ‘mr hoverboard’ a floating device for everyone, is an experimental project created by ryan craven. he set out with an objective to build and ride a hoverboard that is practical, affordable and fun, by the end of 2014. after a dozen prototypes all of which tested new iterations, craven gave the technology a maiden outing on december 9th, amassing a crowd of skateboards and bikers spectators.


ryan craven testing the latest mr hoverboard model at a skatepark
video courtesy of ryan craven




building upon the video-evidenced potential, craven aims for ‘mr hoverboard’ to make even bigger steps in 2015 by assembling a small team of local enthusiasts in austin, texas, and shortly launching it for crowd-funding. the board enhances four black & decker leaf blowers to elevate itself and the rider, off of the ground and to glide across flat surfaces.

the leaf blowers elevates the board and rider inches above the ground




many skateboarders and bikers watched on as ryan debuted the hoverboard




top view of mr hoverboard



[h/t] cnet