music made by human pulses: pieter-jan pieters’s sound on intuitionimage courtesy owow



developed as a part of his thesis project at eindhoven academy, designer pieter jan pieters conceives a series of instruments that play music off human pulses and feelings with ‘sound on intuition’. the electronic devices contain sensors that transform intuitive movements such as taps, heartbeats and finger movements into music.



‘sound on intuition’video courtesy owow



music made by human pulses: pieter jan pieters’s sound on intuition

‘kick’ – tap rhythms, hits or control effects with your footimage courtesy owow



music made by human pulses: pieter jan pieters’s sound on intuition

‘scan’ – draw dots or lines, move the scanner over your drawing and listen how it sounds likeimage courtesy owow



music made by human pulses: pieter jan pieters’s sound on intuition

‘wob’ – users can control effects or parameters by moving their hand back and forthimage courtesy owow