in 1989, a team at NASA conducted its ‘clean air study’ to investigate the naturally filtering properties of plant life. NASA had conducted the study in response to the ‘sick building syndrome,’ as it came to be known late into 20th century. during that time, fresh air exchange in buildings was sacrificed in favor of reduced energy usage — to lower the cost of heating and cooling a building, interiors were super-insulated sealed air tight. of course, this condition saw the rise of various illnesses transmitted due to the lack of natural ventilation and fresh air. at the same time, that era saw the use of synthetic building materials that gradually emitted harmful ‘off-gases.’ the team of researchers at NASA conclude that in addition to the use of safer building materials and the minimization of mechanical ventilation, indoor air pollution can be greatly mitigated by the introduction of ‘nature’s life support system,’ plants.



the NASA clean air study concluded that certain plants can act a natural air filter to remove organic air pollutants — benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene were tested. as part of the study, which spanned two years, a collection of plants were placed in a sealed air chamber and exposed to high concentration of the chemicals. researchers then documented the percentage of the chemical that had been removed from the sealed space after a 24 hour period. below is a list of the top 18 plants that NASA determined to be the most effective at naturally filtering out indoor air pollutants.



english ivy (hedera helix)

nasa clean air plants
image by theplantchica, etsy



devil’s ivy, pothos plant (epipremnum aureum)

nasa clean air plants
image by the sill



peace lily (spathiphyllum ‘mauna loa’)

nasa clean air plants
image by prettyingreenplants, etsy



chinese evergreen (aglaonema modestum)

nasa clean air plants
image by the spruce



bamboo palm (chamaedorea seifrizii)

nasa clean air plants
image by bloomscape


variegated sanseviera ‘snake plant,’ (dracaena trifasciata ‘laurentii’)

nasa clean air plants
image by the spruce



heartleaf philodendron (philodendron cordatum)

nasa clean air plants
image by plant shop seattle



selloum philodendron, lacy tree philodendron (philodendron bipinnatifidum)

nasa clean air plants
image by seedvillageUSA, etsy



elephant ear philodendron (philodendron domesticum)

nasa clean air plants
image by gardenerdy



red-edged dracaena, marginata (dracaena marginata)

nasa clean air plants
image by artterrarium



cornstalk dracaena (dracaena fragrans ‘massangeana’)

in search of fresh air: NASA lists the indoor plants that will naturally clean your space
image by plantvine



weeping fig (ficus benjamina)

in search of fresh air: NASA lists the indoor plants that will naturally clean your space
image by the spruce



barberton daisy, gerbera daisy (gerbera jamesonii)

in search of fresh air: NASA lists the indoor plants that will naturally clean your space
image by the spruce



florist’s chrysanthemum, (chrysanthemum morifolium)

in search of fresh air: NASA lists the indoor plants that will naturally clean your space
image by longwood gardens



aloe vera (aloe vera)

in search of fresh air: NASA lists the indoor plants that will naturally clean your space
image by terrain



janet craig (dracaena deremensis)

in search of fresh air: NASA lists the indoor plants that will naturally clean your space
image by root98warehouse, etsy



warneckii (dracaena deremensis)

in search of fresh air: NASA lists the indoor plants that will naturally clean your space
image by house of plants



banana (musa oriana)

in search of fresh air: NASA lists the indoor plants that will naturally clean your space
image by the spruce



project info:


report: interior landscape plants for indoor air pollution abatement

team: national aeronautics and space administration (NASA), the associated landscape contractors of america (ALCA)

date: september 15th, 1989