to top off the recreated design, the studio includes a mcfly punk hoverboard and cap alongside a PEPSI bottle for their custom model.
technology on designboom explores the cutting edge developments happening around the globe, spotlighting a mix of innovative and groundbreaking projects. from 3D printing to the latest developments in automotive engineering, we cover breaking news stories, in-depth features, and interviews with the leading innovators the field. meanwhile, contributions submitted directly by our global audience of readers offer a unique cultural take on technology in different parts of the world.
using a model from 1990s, the trio turns the vehicle into an automotive art piece with boom boxes on the removable roof.
tesla plans to begin production of the fully autonomous taxi over the next two years.
connections: +1210
in an interview, andrea zagato and marella rivolta zagato discuss their timeless art of coachbuilding in an evolving automotive industry.
connections: +970