as conversation about space exploration has entered an age of privatization, NASA has recently announced a collaboration with space nation navigator — an app that acts as a vehicle for identifying actual viable astronaut candidates through a series of mini-games, quizzes and other challenges. users are encouraged to set physical fitness goals, while also exercising their minds through space-related puzzle tests and harnessing social media to build teams. your performance on these ‘tests’ determines your viability and opportunity to be a part of space nations’ selection process, set to take place around the start of 2019. designboom takes its first step towards interstellar travel
space nation provides the opportunity for space travel once only reserved for the wealthy



candidates from around the world that have taken part in the competition will be assessed on their performance and then invited for psychological and health assessments. this pool will be boiled down to a group of the 100 best candidates that will enter an astronaut-training regime for a number of months, with one chosen for a suborbital flight.

space nation
the design of the app is based on minigames and puzzles to exercise your brain, body & culture



space f also provides prizes and opportunities to be won via performance besides an interstellar ticket, with three experiences to be won for 2018. the first prize in may 2018 was a trip to iceland; then in june a trip to tel aviv; and coming up in september, a trip to poland for a european rover challenge. space nation highlights the new age of travel and exploration that we currently live in by utilizing social media and communication to inspire an interest in space and health.

space nation
after first downloading the app, you are given a brief description of what the app will provide you with



the designboom team has entered the race for space travel — we’ve played the following mini-games:

space nation
‘lunch anyone,’ is meant to teach how poor handling of food in space due to zero gravity causes messspace nation
‘cultural understanding quiz,’ teaches participants basic facts of different cultures and communications tactics

space nation
‘mind-boggling questions,’ exercise is meant to increase communication, build relationships and experiences with other astronauts 

space nation
the leaderboard allows you to rank your performances throughout the entire space nation network