
Tucano by Luis Castanheira Santos from portugal

designer's own words:

design is all about form and function…and meaning!
the object ‘handle’ is one of design objects more explored since ever. usually does not connect with users by not transmitting any message or meaning.
the proposed concept attempts to create a simple object that passes a message to users. the search for inspiration was about something that not compromised the functionality of the object. inspiration from nature is reflected in the final shape of the handle. the tropical toucan bird, with its large beak, was the element of nature whose shape best fits the archetype of the door handle.
the final product tries to convey a message of awareness about the environment and the wildlife that is endangered. it is worth noting that his silhouette integrates seamlessly into the rest of the colombo design collection.
in technical terms, this handle uses standard mechanisms and accessories offered by the company. the materials are brass with chrome trim, matte chrome, bright gold, matte gold and stainless steel.

Concept Poster

copy_54_front.jpg Front View

copy_30_perspective.jpg Perspective

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blueprint.jpg Blueprint

copy_31_poster.jpg Tucano Poster