’10 unit system’ is available in black and white image © designboom

shigeru ban unveiled his ’10 unit system’ furniture concept for artek at their ‘one chair is enough’ exhibition during milan design week.

based on L shape units the fully modular system can be combined in various ways to transform a chair to a table, a table to a bench and so on. it is made from UPM ProFi, an environmentally innovative wood plastic composite, that combines the best characteristics of wood fibers and plastic. manufactured mainly from recycled material, the composite has proven to be tough and humidity resistant.

this is the second collaboration for shigeru ban, artek and UPM who first worked together back in 2007 to create his ‘space of silence’, artek pavillion that was built using UPM ProFi wood.

shigeru ban: '10 unit system' for artek at milan design week 09 UPM proFi® director markku koivisto image © designboom

shigeru ban: '10 unit system' for artek at milan design week 09 shigeru ban sitting on his ’10 unit system’ furniture concept portrait © designboom

shigeru ban: '10 unit system' for artek at milan design week 09 the system used to create a bench, coffee table and chair image © designboom

shigeru ban: '10 unit system' for artek at milan design week 09 the system used to create a chair, stool and bench image © designboom

shigeru ban: '10 unit system' for artek at milan design week 09 the system used to create a chair, stool and bench image © designboom

shigeru ban: '10 unit system' for artek at milan design week 09 UPM proFi®image © designboom

shigeru ban: '10 unit system' for artek at milan design week 09 ‘one chair is enough’ exhibition image © designboom

shigeru ban: '10 unit system' for artek at milan design week 09 the L shape concept

shigeru ban: '10 unit system' for artek at milan design week 09 ’10 unit system’ bench