‘offset table system’ by tomás alonso all photos by alberto parise

the ‘offset table system’ explores the possibility of the work table as a microsystem with separate accessories that can be organized in different combinations and arrangements according to one’s needs. developed by london-based creative tomás alonso for italianmax design, ‘offset’ responds to the new spatial demands born from contemporary working habits whereby the boundary between home and office are becoming blurred.

as a common use object, alonso breaks down the components of a table, offering a series of functional attachments such as lights, storage compartments and dividers which individuals can add to the work surface. the configuration of these additional pieces is done via a simple gap which runs down the length of the desk. this feature, while serving as a connecting element for both structure and accessories, separates the top into two surfaces while also extending the frame. it is then up to the user to create a personalized space according to their personal habits and aesthetics.

the simple design is composed of an aluminium frame which is used to secure the legs (available in either aluminium, wooden or a combination of both), whereby a wooden table top is placed. ‘offset’ can be seen as a place to eat, work and meet, all at the same table.

below you can see a range of different ‘offset’ table arrangements: tomás alonso: offset table system

tomás alonso: offset table system

tomás alonso: offset table system

tomás alonso: offset table system

tomás alonso: offset table system

tomás alonso: offset table system

tomás alonso: offset table system a graphic which visualizes the breakdown of the tables and accessories

tomás alonso: offset table system desk elements

tomás alonso: offset table system attachments