
Pimple by valerio sommella from italy

designer's own words:

It happens all the time: to get a drink then move to the food desk and try to get some nibbles...but again the same old problem of having only two hands. What I do is to put the plate on top of the glass and then get food on it but some plastic plates are not so steady and sometimes it's hard to keep them in the centre of the glass to keep the balance. here comes pimple. a simple small plate with a few random-looking bumps on its bottom. The position of these bumps it's studied to fit-sit inside almost all kind of glasses. with this solution I'll be able to safely put this plate on top of my glass, whether it's a martini or a white whine. can't wait.

pimple plates

pimple_2.jpg pimple details

pimple_3.jpg why & how graph