NASA and spaceward’s futuristic competition showcasing the first representative prototypes of space elevator climbers this event will re-define public perception of the space elevator project (for sending people, spacecraft and robots directly out to mars and the other planets of the solar system…) by taking the first step away from mathematical models and drawing boards and into the world of real working hardware. the competition provides the race track, in the form of a crane-suspended vertical ribbon, and a strong light source to power the climbers. competing teams provide climbers, which have to use the power beamed to them and scale the ribbon while carrying some amount of payload. climbers will be rated according to their speed and the amount of payload they carried. awards will be given – $50,000, $20,000 and $10,000 – to the 3 best teams. the competition will take place at the end of september 2005, in mountain view, CA via archinect